We here at the Museum of Timekeeping are continually trying to improve our accessibility and are committed ensuring an accessible experience for all our visitors.

Arriving at the Museum.
Accessible car parking is available and signposted within the main car park.
The Museum entrance is located at the front of Upton Hall directly behind the large armillary sphere, which is mounted on to a large stone base surrounded by a level tarmac path, There are a small number of stairs leading to the main entrance.
The Museum’s accessible entry point is signposted from the car park into the building via a side door behind the Clock House Café building. Door widths and access points into and within the building are suitable for standard sized wheelchairs and small mobility scooters.
The Museum team are always pleased to speak with visitors with specific access requirement in detail before their visit, to provide more information and to make special arrangements where possible.
During Your Visit
Exhibition & Galleries; all main exhibition areas are located on the ground floor which operates on a single level. The Grand Hall Upper Gallery, the Red Corridor and the library is accessible via stairs only.
Events; during special events and behind the scenes tours some activities/displays also take place in the Ballroom Room on the ground floor, which is accessed via a steep ramp. Due to availability of space, some activities take place in areas like the Grand Hall Upper Gallery, the Red Corridor and the library are accessible via stairs only. However, we will make every effort to ensure these areas are as accessible as possible.
Gardens & Grounds; the front of the building and grounds are accessible via a gravel driveway from the car park. Please note that some grass areas and the lawns are uneven.
Accessible & Ambulant Toilets: There is an accessible toilet suitable for wheelchair users off the Ballroom and in the BHI teaching block All of our accessible toilets have a pull cord alarm. Please note that at present the accessible toilet located off the Ballroom it is reached via a steep ramp which may be challenging for some wheelchair users.
Autism / ASD Friendly
Please do get in touch to discuss any specific needs members of your group have and we will strive to make your visit as relaxed and enjoyable as possible. We can book your visit for a quiet slot, turn off noisy machinery or offer additional information to anyone with a particular interest. We are not going to be phased by visitors who are loud or who become frustrated or who have high energy levels. The Museum of Timekeeping is committed to being a space that everyone can enjoy. Additionally, we are in the process of acquiring noise reducing / cancelling headphones and the library can be used as a quiet space.
Blind and Visually Impaired Friendly
At present we have bold, colourful and large size font throughout out galleries, as well as magnifying overlays available for use. There are also secure stairs with handrails so that visitor can enjoy the upper galleries. In addition, we are currently working on audio descriptive materials.
Deaf or Hearing impaired Friendly
At present we have bold, colourful and highly visible materials throughout our galleries, as well as adjustable volume controls on audio-visual exhibition materials. Moreover, we are currently working on acquiring assistive listening devices and audio induction loops.
Family Friendly
We actively encourage families to visit our museum. Children are free to explore, make noise and play in our building and grounds and our team of staff and volunteers are ready to join in and answer any questions you may have.
Support Materials
We encourage visitors to bring any support items with them which they may find useful (for example, ear defenders) but we also have a stock of items for accessibility support, which can be borrowed by speaking to a member of the team:
Noise reducing / cancelling headphones (adult and child size).
Magnifying sheets
Coloured overlays and reading rulers.
Loanable Wheelchair
We here at the Museum of Timekeeping are continually trying to improve our accessibility, if you have any suggestions or feedback that you may feel would help, please do contact us at:
The Museum of Timekeeping,
Upton Hall, Main Street, Upton
NG23 5TE