The Museum of Timekeeping is reliant on monetary donations to help to support events, exhibitions, conservation, education and research as well as staffing and running costs.
You can support us by making a donation as a one off payment or as a regular amount paid at intervals that you find convenient.
Donate by cheque, cash or bank transfer
Give a one-off gift or make a regular donation to support the work of the Museum. Please contact us for a form and further details.
Donate online
Make a donation online through My Donation links to My donate site
Gift Aid
Gift Aid offers an additional way to support the Museum at no extra cost to you. If you are a UK Tax payer, using Gift Aid means that for every £1 you give we get an extra 25 pence from the government, helping to make your gift go even further.
For example:
Your donation: £100
Gift Aid from Government: £25
Total Value of your gift: £125
A legacy is a great way of supporting the museum for generations to come, by remembering us with a gift in your will and allowing you to make a lasting difference to the work of the Museum.
There are several ways you can leave money to the museum in your will:
• A pecuniary gift: a fixed sum of money decided by you.
• A residuary gift: the amount of the whole or portion of your estate after other legacies, inheritance tax and expenses have been paid.
• A specific gift: a bequest of specific personal possessions such as a clock, watch or other timepiece.
• In-memory donations in lieu of flowers or via collections in support of the Museum of Timekeeping are also another option.
If you are interested in discussing options please contact the museum or speak with your solicitor, when you may be asked for the following information:
- Charity name: Museum of Timekeeping
- Our registered address is Museum of Timekeeping, Upton Hall, Main Street, Upton, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG235TE
- Our registered charity number is 1176495 (CIO Registered in England & Wales)
For separate information on how to donate items for the Museum collection please see ‘Learn & Explore‘ and follow links to ‘The Collection‘ page.