Here you can find information about current Trustee & staff vacancies
There are currently no staff vacancies.
There are currently vacancies for Trustees; Chair of Trustees, Treasure, Human Resources and Governance/Legal.
Are you passionate about making a positive impact in your community? Do you have the skills and experience to help guide a charitable organisation towards achieving its mission? We’re looking for dedicated individuals to join our Board of Trustees and play a vital role in shaping the future of the Museum of Timekeeping. As a trustee, you’ll play a crucial role in providing strategic direction, ensuring sound governance and overseeing the effective management of the charity. You’ll bring your unique skills, experiences, and perspectives to help us achieve our goals.
The Board meets four times a year, with a commitment of approximately 10 horus per month, including meeting attendance and preparation.
Interested candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, and references to manager@museumoftimekeeping.org.uk
Please read the role descriptors below: